Disney to start testing Park Hopping with FASTPass+ soon

Disney FASTPass Park HopperA recent survey for Walt Disney World guests was asking them how they would feel about getting a fourth FASTPass+ option per day. Well, it appears as if Disney is also inquiring into how guests would feel about being able to use FASTPass+ with their park hopper tickets.

Over the past few days, a couple of emails have come my way from guests with upcoming Walt Disney World trips, and they’ve told me about a survey that popped up on their My Disney Experience. So, I took it upon myself to book a short stay somewhere and see if it came through to me.

With that, a survey of three questions appeared on the My Disney Experience website for me with options of “Most Likely,” “Somewhat Likely,” or “Not At All”:

  • 1.) Your ticket includes Park hopping. With 3 fast pass reservations, how likely are you to use three in one park or save a reservation for another park?
  • 2.) On an average day, your party be visiting more than two parks.
  • 3.) Your party will utilize FASTPass+ kiosks that are set up throughout the Disney Parks.

Well, I took this a step further and contacted some sources at Disney to check what this new survey meant exactly. I was advised that the Annual Passholder roll-out for MagicBands happened and then the testing for FASTPass+ pre-arrival for Day Guests is ongoing now.

With that being said, FASTPass+ for park hopping is looking to be one of the next test phases to take place at Walt Disney World.

Please know that this has NOT been announced or confirmed by Disney so as always, things are likely to change or even never happen.

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