Woman Seeks Divorce Due to Husband Not Liking Disney’s ‘Frozen’

Frozen divorceSome people have gotten to the point where they are over the craze of Disney’s “Frozen,” but it still is extremely popular with many people all around the world. That includes a Japanese woman who is seeking a divorce from her husband because he didn’t really like the movie.

Yes, a “Frozen” divorce.”

A man posted to a Japanese marriage advice forum called Kikonsha no Hakaba (“The Gravesite of Married People”) that his wife is seeking divorce from him due to her obsession with Disney’s “Frozen” and because he didn’t really care for it.

Apparently, the man’s wife became obsessed with “Frozen” after a friend introduced her to it. She went and saw it at the theater numerous times and eventually talked her husband into going with her to see it.

Upon the ending of the film, she asked him what he thought of it and he said it was just “OK,” and that he “didn’t really care for it personally.”

This did not sit well with his “Frozen”-obsessed wife.

When saying he didn’t really care for it and wondered why his wife thought it was so good, she allegedly responded:

“If you can’t understand what makes this movie great, there’s something wrong with you as a human being.”

On the forum, the man said that there were no preexisting issues in their marriage and he earns enough at his job so that his wife does not need to work.

Forumers have started giving advice that the man should hire an investigator to “look into what she’s been up to. I bet she is seeing some guy on the side.” Others are offering up other reasons that they believe his wife wants to divorce him, but she insists it is simply because he doesn’t like “Frozen.”

This isn’t a huge surprise though as the world has gone nuts over Disney’s “Frozen.” It is now one of the top 10 earning movies ever as it has pulled in over $1.2 billion worldwide.

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